For women on a journey of personal growth ready to create vibrant mental wellbeing and become your happiest, healthiest self.

With a holistic mind, body and soul approach.

Natural solutions to break-free from anxiety, stress, overwhelm and self-criticism in as little as 8-weeks, naturally!


For women on a journey of personal growth ready to create vibrant mental wellbeing and become your happiest, healthiest self.

With a holistic mind, body and soul approach.

Natural solutions to break-free from anxiety, stress, overwhelm and self-criticism in 8-weeks, naturally!

Become the happiest, healthiest, most vibrant you.

Ready to THRIVE?

The Holistic Roadmap to Integrative, Vibrant + Empowered Wellbeing.

You’re a high-achieving and heart-centred women on a journey of personal growth ready to break free from anxiety, perfectionism and self-criticism and step into the happiest, healthiest most vibrant version of you and experience the deepest levels of inner freedom and fulfilment.

THRIVE is an 8-week transformational course that teaches you everything you need to know
 to build your stress and anxiety resilience with the most practical, enjoyable and effective path so you can wake up each day with energy, zest for life and confidence and go to bed each night calm, balanced and fulfilled.

With a revolutionary and integrative approach, discover a holistic mind, body + soul method to vibrant wellbeing that merges ancient wisdom with science-based natural solutions packaged up in a modern, practical real-life way for women with lots on their plate.

Uncover the underlying causes of your anxiety,
 find inner balance, up-level your self-confidence and self-love and truly THRIVE.


√  You‘re a high-achieving, heart-centred woman on a wellness journey. You try your best to eat well. You practice yoga (although you wish there was more time for it.) You’ve tried meditation (although it felt impossible to switch your mind “off.”) You follow inspiring wellness based IG accounts, binge listen to personal growth podcasts and have a personal library of self-help books…

√  Despite all the amazing things you do to stay happy and well, you haven’t been feeling great lately. You just haven’t been feeling yourself. Like something is “off” in your body and mind… Feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. Brain fog, low mood, less energy, unmotivated to do the things you love (and hitting snooze on repeat each morning!)

√ There’s a pesky, self-critical voice in your head that says you need to be “perfect.” You hold yourself to impeccably high standards that leaves you waking up most days feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed and under pressure from doing it all.

√  You’ve got a busy mind that can easily lead into a downward spiral of worry and negativity. It can feel really hard for you to properly switch off and relax which leaves you feeling exhausted and burnt out.

√ You often feel like you’re not doing enough and put a lot of pressure on yourself! Most people would never know it, but deep down, you struggle with self-worth and lack self-confidence. You can be really hard on yourself, beat yourself up over little things and often find yourself judging, criticizing yourself or overanalyzing something you did or said. 

√  You worry about what other people think of you, people-please and struggle with boundaries and expressing your needs. You give and give to make sure everyone around you is happy and taken care of and your needs, desires and self-care often goes unmet which leaves you feeling depleted, unfulfilled and (even resentful at times.)

  Something with your health doesn’t quite feel right… whether it’s poor sleep, lack of mental clarity and focus, tension headaches, feeling tired all the time, digestive issues or maybe your hormones? And you suspect it might be connected to your mental state.

√  When it comes to feeling happier and healthier, you’ve tried it all… listened to all the podcasts, read all the books, went to workshops, gone to therapy, and maybe even your GP. You practice yoga, try to meditate, have journaled and have probably even gone to some kind of healer… all of which helps for a moment but feels more like a nice band-aid than a long-term solution.

√  Despite all the challenges you’ve been facing, you’re READY FOR CHANGE. You know when you put your mind to something you’re capable of creating meaningful change. You know there’s more to life for you and are determined to find the tools you need to make a lasting change and get on top of this anxiety so you can start to truly enjoy life again!

I know exactly how you feel... I've been there too...

I know how it feels to on the outside look like life is “perfect” and internally have anxiety take over your life. To question if this is always how it’s going to be and worry if you’ll ever be able to truly feel “okay ” and fulfilled inside.

I used to suffer from severe physical and mental health issues that for over a year, left me secretly checking in and out of hospitals, counsellors offices and specialist appointments with unexplainable symptoms, a new diagnosis and another bottle of pills.

I was diagnosed with it all… epilepsy, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, candida, mold toxicity, SIBO, adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, chronic pain and more.

With no real success with the medical route, I was on a mission to truly heal so I could get my life back.

In that quest, I was introduced to a holistic mind, body + soul approach to healing with mentors that helped me understand the bigger picture of what was going on with my physical and mental health, taught me how to find balance and finally heal myself.

Integrating these essential mindset and lifestyle shifts, having the tools to process my emotions, heal from past traumas, improving my diet, gut and hormonal health and learning to truly love and accept myself not only transformed my health… but saved my life!

Within a month I was off all drugs, was seizure-free and I finally felt alive again!

I know the pain. I know the silent struggle. This holistic approach gave me my life back and now I help women to reclaim their own power to self-heal and transform their mental wellbeing holistically!

This is why I created THRIVE!

Need help? Let me be your self-healing cheerleader and guide.

You’ve got what it takes to dive deep and finally go after the vibrant health, mental wellbeing and life you’ve been seeking. You just need a little pointing in the right direction. That’s where THRIVE comes in.


√ Take a big sigh of relief by empowering yourself with the tools you need to overcome this anxiety, stress and overwhelm. Stop being so hard on yourself, self-critical and putting so much pressure on yourself.

√ Learn to truly love and accept yourself as you are. Be kind to yourself, be able to have your needs met and be able to give to yourself (just like you do for everyone else.)

√ Know exactly what to do when you find yourself in that downward spiral of anxiety, perfectionism and self-critical thoughts. Learn (and be able to instantly apply,) the exact tools you need to navigate life’s ups and downs with balance, resilience and grace.

  Heal from the past, unresolved emotions and past traumas. Transform your pain into power for personal growth, healing and awakening.

  Let go of limiting beliefs and sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck and small and hold you back from living the joyous, vibrant, empowered life you know deep down is possible for you.

  Find true self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion for all parts of yourself. Embody your confidence, wholeness and self-worth.

  Transform limiting beliefs that keep you small— the self-criticism, self-judgement, guilt, shame, comparison, feeling unworthy, not speaking your truth and a lack of boundaries.

  Experience thriving physical and mental health… from quality sleep, clear mind improved digestion and gut health, thriving and balanced hormones, to a calm heart and balanced nervous system.

√  Have the confidence and feelings of self-worth and self-trust to go meet that partner, quit that job that fuels your anxiety, go back to school, start that dream business, go on that trip or spontaneous adventure

  Go from just surviving, to truly THRIVING! Be able to be fully present to enjoy life to the fullest and soak up each and every moment of this one and precious life.


Why a Holistic Approach?

A holistic approach to mental wellness acknowledges that you are a multi-dimensional being with a multitude of biological, psychological, emotional, social, lifestyle and spiritual needs that when unmet or out of balance, causes feelings of un-wellness.

This holistic approach understands the significance of the mind-body-soul connection and allows us to identify and rebalance the unique underlying root causes of mental un-wellness so we can truly thrive.

THRIVE offers an integrative combination of scientific, psychological, physiological and spiritual modalities for you to re-wire your brain, re-program your subconscious mind, re-balance the body, and re-align with your soul.

Ready to wake up each morning feeling

calm, confident and alive?

A Holistic Mind, Body + Soul Approach

You'll also learn my signature AWARE Method for instant, in-the-moment anxiety resilience + stress relief.

Stress less, live more.









Less stress, less overwhelm. A vibrant, thriving mind and body!


I’m a Mindset & Wellbeing Coach and Integrative Health Practitioner.

I help high-achieving, heart-centred women break-free from anxiety and self-criticism and become the healthiest, healthiest version of themselves and experience the deepest levels of freedom, joy and fulfillment.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve been so blessed to support thousands of souls from around the globe in their transformational, healing and empowering journey to their most vibrant, thriving and authentic self.

I believe the greatest thing that holds us back from living the joyous, vibrant, heart-centred and fulfilling life we envision for ourselves is OUR MIND.

I teach a holistic and integrative combination of scientific, psychological, somatic and spiritual modalities for you to re-wire your brain, re-program your subconscious mind, re-balance the body, and re-align with your soul so you can…

wake up each day calm, balanced and inspired, feel alive again and go on those adventures, feel confident to go meet that partner, apply for that job, start your dream business…


All by transforming your mind to transform every area of your life.

Are you ready to THRIVE?!

you'll be supported with...

The THRIVE Experience

1. 8-Modules of the Holistic Mind, Body and Soul Roadmap of video content to master your mind and build your anxiety resilience. Learn the exact mindset shifts, in-the-moment tools, practices and key principles needed to transform your mind (Value: $2500)

2. Exclusive Program Resources:  practices, prompts, checklists, pdf’s etc to help you apply everything you learn in real life moments and see the results even faster (Value: $500)

3. Private FB Group Access to ask questions, get inspired, share realizations + revelations and receive support. (Value: $500)

Don't miss the BONUSES

BONUS 1: THRIVE in Love Masterclass: Build a Thriving, Balanced and Anxiety-Free Romantic Relationship (Value: $200)

BONUS 2: Meditations for the Soul Guided Collection: 7 Soulful, heart-centred, short and sweet meditation tracks (Value: $33)

BONUS 3: Meditation Support Bundle: Intro to Meditation Video, Starting Your Meditation Practice pdf, Journal Prompts, Meditation Tracker (Value: $33)

The THRIVE Experience



Enrol now to receive the exclusive bonuses!


But you get all of this for a tiny fraction of this...

Ready to THRIVE?

Enrolments Now OPEN


$647 USD

Or 2-monthly payments of $350 USD.

Limited spots available.

You yourself... your health, wellbeing and happiness, is your greatest investment.

If you hear a little voice pop up that says…

“This is too big, how will I afford this?! Will this actually be worth it?! I can’t spend money on myself, that feels selfish. I don’t think I’m ready yet.” then you know you’re on to something important.

You are always a worthy investment of your time, energy and resources… but 
investing in ourselves isn’t always easy.

Especially if we find ourselves in patterns of people-pleasing, giving to everyone around us and putting our needs and self-care to the side, believing our needs and fulfilment just aren’t that important or feeling guilty for taking time for or investing in ourselves.

It’s natural to feel fear, doubt, nervous or even resistant to invest in and commit to a process of deep inner transformation and personal growth.

And if you’re feeling this way, I see you. I’ve been there too and I know exactly how that feels…

But today, I am still thanking my past self (who despite all her fears and worries back then,) committed to her own self-care and invested in her wellbeing so I could be where I am today. 

And I want to remind you… Your inner-peace, healing, happiness and wellbeing matter.

And the greatest and most selfless gift you can give to those around you, (your partner, kids, family and friends and workplace,) is the most present, calm, confident and authentic version of you. Because when you’re cup is full… you have just that much more to give.

What is this anxiety, perfectionism and self-criticism costing you now? What adventures are being missed? What dream business is left un-started? What partner have you not put yourself out there to meet yet? What precious life moments are you not fully present for or able to fully enjoy?

You are worth it.

It's time to go from just surviving

to truly thriving.


Jeannine Bruderer, Switzerland

Best investment I’ve ever made! I’ve learned more about myself than in 30 years of life!

I’ve gained massively when it comes to my self-confidence, authenticity and my inner security. My inner world feels so at peace and empowered and this makes me really happy!!

 I started a very healthy relationship with myself. I finally feel much more connected to myself, I know what my heart needs. I’ve started to love all parts of myself and have so much more compassion towards myself.

I hear my inner voice, have started to follow her and the pressure I used to put on myself is not there anymore! My biggest take away is that I have all the power, knowledge and wisdom within myself. (I know this before but I had not that constant access I have now!)

I’ve loved all of this experience! Seeing myself grow and becoming my true best friend. I finally feel like letting go with peace became a part of my nature!

I would 1000% recommend Bindi, she is a blessing! She is soooo endlessly talented and I am deeply thankful being able to learn from her! There is no better investment than the investment within yourself.”


Laura Wevelsiep, Germany

Working with Bindi was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Before I was extremely tense, anxious and burnt out. I felt very disconnected from myself and just wanting to feel more at home in my body and fulfilled. Common thoughts were: “Something is wrong with you”, “You aren’t doing it right”, “Why can’t you just be happy”, 

A core feeling of deep okay-ness is rising up inside me now, even on the days where I am not happy and thriving. I know now that this is part of the journey. I have a clearer sense of what I am here for, how I can serve the world and I am so lit up by that. 
I am taking away the ability to listen to my body and heart and acceptance for all parts of myself. And for the first time in a long time, I am feeling fulfilled again and deeply grateful that I am here!

 I always felt so safe, seen and heard, acknowledged understood and loved in sessions. It gave me the knowing that nothing is wrong with me. I never felt alone and could surrender and let go and open myself to the possibilities that lie underneath my struggles. I love the way Bindi teaches, guides and makes everything so applicable and doable. It really comes from her heart which can be truly felt.

I know now that I have a wellness tool belt for life. After our sessions I was like a little kid jumping around because I was so uplifted and hopeful. I am so much more resilient and gentle with myself. My commitment to my path, my growth and alignment to my Soul deepened so much.

One of the best feelings was that she saw my potential, believed in my vision and knew it’s all possible for me. Sometimes we need a little nudge to follow our dreams and Bindi was definitely that nudge for me! I feel so empowered, brave and on the right path… like my Soul can breathe again!

I laugh more, I feel more free. I can enjoy the little things and appreciate the magic around me. I can handle difficult emotions with calmness and ease and feel clear in my intentions and my life’s work.

Bindi is such a beautiful, kind soul with immense empathy and compassion. She has such a caring heart. I appreciate all the time and energy she invested into me and how much she was available (and how affordable it was compared to what I got out of it!) I would always and without hesitation recommend Bindi!


Danielle Anson, New Zealand

“Before starting THRIVE, I was feeling quite lost and scatter-brained. My body was feeling slow and sluggish and I was so frustrated by my digestion and chronic pain. My biggest frustration was feeling like I wasn’t able to express myself as I’d like to. 

Some key things that have shifted for me is now being able to voice my opinion and feelings when I need to and knowing how to make myself heard, putting self-care practices in place (daily meditation, healthy, balanced, nourishing meals, taking daily time out for myself) and setting boundaries with my loved ones in the most loving way possible without worrying about upsetting other people.

I have loved every minute of this work! 
I feel so much lighter, happier! I know that I am in control of the rest of my path on my journey of life. I have so much more clarity in my head!

I would definitely recommend Bindi as a guide to others! 🙂 This has been absolutely life changing, and I’m able to see things in a much clearer light. Thank you so much for the work you’re doing, I can’t believe how much it’s helped me!”


Hera Monaghan, New Zealand

Right before I enrolled in THRIVE, life was full of anxiety and overwhelm. I was experiencing a range of emotions daily that felt out of control and had no idea how to process them or why things felt so incredibly hard.

But through this course, I feel like the fog has slowly lifted. It’s given me so many tools on how to process what I’m feeling and thinking. I celebrate this for myself because now I am empowered to know what is happening inside and how I can help myself!

It has also had a big impact on how I want to raise my own children ensuring that they know that they can be their authentic self and I will love them, hear them and see them no matter what.

The program experience was beautiful and I looked forward to it every week! It was very easy to follow and understand the teachings.

I no longer am suffering like I was before THRIVE. I still have moments of anxiety, overwhelm and times where I react but these are much less frequent and all-consuming because I immediately use the tools to help in those moments.

I feel so much more free! I understand myself and my mind, body and soul so much more and that is empowering.

I love Bindi’s calm and gentle approach to teaching. She holds space for us to feel our feelings and process the new learnings. She is extremely knowledgeable and I loved how she gently guides us towards doing/seeing things differently.

Thank you for this wonderful course! I highly recommend it to others!

It's time to THRIVE!

Enrolment Now OPEN


$647 USD

Or 2-monthly payments of $350 USD.

Limited spots available.


THRIVE offers a revolutionary approach to mental wellness with a holistic integration of scientific, psychological, physiological, lifestyle and spiritual approaches to creating a thriving, vibrant mind and state of wellbeing.

You’ll learn practical, effective and enjoyable tools, mindset shifts and lifestyle guidance to re-wire your brain, re-program your subconscious mind, re-balance the body, and re-align with your soul.

This holistic approach understands the significance of the mind-body-soul connection and allows us to identify and rebalance the unique underlying root causes of un-wellness so you can truly thrive.

THRIVE is for high-achieving, heart-centred women (that have tried it all,) and are ready to break-free from stress, anxiety and self-criticism so they can become their happiest, healthiest, most vibrant self and experience the deepest levels of freedom, love and fulfilment.

THRIVE may not be for you if…

• You’re not interested in participating in your own healing, personal growth and self-discovery.

• You’re looking for a quick fix or someone to “fix” you. (PS. You’re not broken… and nobody can do the work for you.)

• You don’t want to do the inner work (which is sometimes vulnerable and outside your comfort zone… but always worth it!)

• You have a mental health condition that requires professional psychological or medical support. Please dearest, seek out 1:1 professional services. 💖

I’ve got you, my high-achieving, all or nothing, perfectionistic, busy dear! This program is made for busy moms and professionals just like you.

Your busy lifestyle is taken into account to and I’ve included the most practical, effective and direct tools and practices to get you the results you’re looking for.

While your weekly time commitment is minimal (approx. 2 hours a week to go through the lessons, and apply the action steps,) your commitment to applying what you learn in the modules is necessary to see the results.

THRIVE is an 8-module self-study program. You can start anytime and go at your own pace.

For 8 weeks, each week you’ll receive access to a new module covering the different aspects of the THRIVE Method to master your mind and become the healthiest and happiest version of you.

You’ll spend about 2 hours per week going through the video lessons and applying the action steps to really move the needle!

The investment in THRIVE is $647 USD which can be made upfront in full or over 2 monthly payments of $350 USD.

Register now and receive the EPIC exclusive bonuses!

Investing into yourself and your wellbeing is invaluable. 


“I clearly reached another level in my life that I couldn’t have done by myself… reached out to Bindi as I felt I needed support to get clarity about my life purpose and overcome obstacles. Bindi not only helped me to do so, but also taught me how to accept myself and have more self-love, which is invaluable. I could see the positive changes throughout the coaching. Bindi is a pure gem, I highly recommend starting coaching with her as she will give you all the tools, support and kindness you need to get empowered and reach your goals. Bindi, just thank you for being who you are. I realize that you helped me twice in my life like no one else has done it on this planet.” -Kelly (France)

“A gift to our Highest Selves… A heartfelt thank you for the lessons and wisdom shared in this course. It is a wealth of knowledge that will be life-giving, possibly life-changing. Such clear and gracious delivery and wonderful resources. This course was a gift to our Highest Selves. Namaste and many blessings.” – Toni (Canada)

“Totally changed my life… This experience and especially has you taught us, totally changed my life… It’s just the beginning of my journey, but your teachings and applying them daily have have helped me a lot to discover who I am, being more confident and take action to do what I want to do. For that, I will be forever thankful to have met you.” -Student

“A deeply transformational experience… Learning from you was a deeply transformational experience. Your healing presence, heart and wisdom are precious gifts.” – Jessica Pellman (USA)

“Life became amazing… So much love for you, Bindi! What I learned from you gave me so much hunger and motivation to learn about myself and to see growth in everything I experience. Life became an amazing journey with my new eyes… you gave me the belief that really everything is possible. Thank you. so much for crossing my life! Big, big hug. Much love and light.” – Jeanine

If you're drawn to this experience, there's a reason...

I see you, love… Putting everyone else before yourself, checking all the boxes and responsibilities while knowing deep down you want more for yourself.

Independent and capable as you are, you don’t have to do this alone… nor are you meant to!

You’re not just here to get by and “survive”… You’re here to THRIVE. 

When we commit to ourselves, allow ourselves to receive support and invest in our own inner healing, personal growth and awakening… Transformation is not only possible, but inevitable.

Imagine what it would feel like to wake up each morning calm, confident and balanced feeling inspired and ready to take on the day.

Imagine how life can feel when you love, trust and honour yourself fully and how your relationships could start to thrive.

Imagine all that you could do, create and experience when you are aligned with your most calm, confident self and connected to your personal power.

There is unlimited and untapped potential in you and the possibilities of what you can create for yourself on the other side of anxiety and stress are endless. 

Don’t postpone your happiness and wellbeing any longer. Don’t put off making the changes in your life to live more balanced, inspired and fulfilled. Don’t waste this one and precious life stressed and anxious…

If not now… when? This is your time to THRIVE.